Post by ❝ starlingshade ❞ on Apr 26, 2021 3:13:05 GMT
made by gimmick[attr="class","bodybox"]
This was her first apprentice and she didn't want to mess it up. To be honest, even though they'd only been together for 4 moons, Starlingshade had grown incredibly fond of her apprentice. And the stoic she-cat found that she didn't regret a single moment of it, and wouldn't have changed anything about it. And this morning was no different.
As she stepped out of the warrior's den she breathed in the cool morning air. Then her long, thin legs reaching out in front of her in a stretch. Living in Shadowclan now was not the best, in her opinion. Ashstar was not her ideal leader, especially since he didn't seem to care for anyone but himself. She was a vocal she-cat, stating matter-of-factly her opinions, but she never felt safe giving her opinions to her leader. And although she really wanted to, she was glad she didn't. It put Dustpaw into her life.
She's never cared for a cat that wasn't her brother before. But Dustpaw grew on her, despite being disgruntled at the beginning of their pairing.
After stretching, Starlingshade padded over to the camp entrance and began to clean herself. The two of them met here every morning. Starlingshade expected it. To be a warrior her apprentice would have to learn to be punctual on her own. It wasn't her job to go and wake her every morning. So she waited, keeping an eye on the apprentice's den.
This was her first apprentice and she didn't want to mess it up. To be honest, even though they'd only been together for 4 moons, Starlingshade had grown incredibly fond of her apprentice. And the stoic she-cat found that she didn't regret a single moment of it, and wouldn't have changed anything about it. And this morning was no different.
As she stepped out of the warrior's den she breathed in the cool morning air. Then her long, thin legs reaching out in front of her in a stretch. Living in Shadowclan now was not the best, in her opinion. Ashstar was not her ideal leader, especially since he didn't seem to care for anyone but himself. She was a vocal she-cat, stating matter-of-factly her opinions, but she never felt safe giving her opinions to her leader. And although she really wanted to, she was glad she didn't. It put Dustpaw into her life.
She's never cared for a cat that wasn't her brother before. But Dustpaw grew on her, despite being disgruntled at the beginning of their pairing.
After stretching, Starlingshade padded over to the camp entrance and began to clean herself. The two of them met here every morning. Starlingshade expected it. To be a warrior her apprentice would have to learn to be punctual on her own. It wasn't her job to go and wake her every morning. So she waited, keeping an eye on the apprentice's den.
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