last online May 17, 2021 2:56:20 GMT
Post by ❝ hazesight ❞ on May 4, 2021 6:33:52 GMT
[attr="class","codesnippet"][nospaces] [attr="class","sidelongcredits"] [attr="class","sidelong"] [attr="class","bodybox"] [attr="class","border-box"] [attr="class","image-space"] [attr="class","text-space"]
He sniffed the border, wondering if Littlefoot would come today to teach him. He honestly didn't care for the older tom and wished he could just be done with this whole "assassin" thing. It wasn't like he held any love for Thunderclan or Shadowclan, he was just doing what he was told. Although the thought had crossed his mind to go to Shadowclan, take his brother, and leave the clans altogether. But Hailfire didn't even really remember him, and if he did, he wasn't mentioning it. Hazesight's eyes scanned the pine forest. Maybe he should just leave on his own. Screw the clans, screw his mother, his father, and his grandfather. [break][break]
But the need to kill was strong within him. It wasn't satisfying anymore. He was hungry for something more, and that something was Ashstar. He wouldn't stop until he had gotten his revenge on the old and fussy tyrant. That's why he stayed. That's why he continued to learn from Littlefoot. His goal was to liberate Shadowclan's foolish leader. Screw him for messing with Hazesight's life. It wasn't his fault that his father was a mouse-brained idiot. [break][break]
At this point, he was getting impatient and he decided to wait for a few more heartbeats before deciding to leave altogether. He didn't deserve being disrespected by a cat who wasn't even his true mentor. Littlefoot wasn't innocent in this either. He would fall from his high horse sooner or later. Hazesight would see to it.
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last online May 19, 2021 14:29:07 GMT
Post by Beepaw on May 5, 2021 17:31:53 GMT
If someone asked, Beepaw wouldn’t be able to tell them when he got separated from Hazesight. He wanted to go hunting with his mentor, maybe practice a few moves, but--well, Beepaw found himself alone in these woods. As soon as the apprentice noticed, he stopped in his tracks and furiously swung his head around, looking in every direction like a fidgety songbird.
“Stupid…!” Beepaw growled at himself before lashing his tail side-to-side. No, no, he didn’t make a mistake. Neither him nor Hazesight were inattentive, they were both too good for mistakes like that..!
Perhaps it was just the thick foliage working against them. That concept was enough to settle Beepaw’s beating heart a little. Just enough to think about what he should do now. It took him a few more heartbeats before he actually came to a conclusion; sniff Hazesight out the same way he would any prey.
Perhaps this was the actual reason Beepaw couldn’t remember when he last saw Hazesight, as if they were straight up separated the moment they stepped out of camp! It was a test! Beepaw flicked his tail up, determined, and started putting his senses to good use.
Beepaw was careful and all too focused. He barely blinked for his entire trip across the forest. Beepaw wasn’t sure how much time had passed even, only that he was sure he could do better the next time Hazesight gave him this kind of challenge. He had to do better, he had to!
Eventually he found himself near the border. Beepaw didn’t think hard on why, only taking it as all the more practice. Hazesight had faith in his abilities to give him a hurdle like this. The terrible scent of the Thunderpath was overwhelming.
Beepaw had to pause and curl up his muzzle in disgust. There was an audible “eurgh,” that escaped his throat before he summed up the energy to continue.
In spite of his efforts, Beepaw really had lost track of Hazesight’s scent here. He couldn’t be sure if Hazesight had crossed into Shadowclan, if he had doubled back, or what. The scent was subtle already, and made subtler by the overwhelming odors around him. Beepaw paced back and forth along the border, tracking, losing track, and then retracing his steps to go back to where Beepaw was sure Hazesight last was. Each time, Beepaw made a louder, more frustrated hiss.
“WHERE ARE YOU!!?” Beepaw couldn’t help but bellow out in anger when he lost track of Hazesight’s trail again. With another hiss, the apprentice retraced his steps back to the border to make another attempt.
)) Tagging ❝ hazesight ❞
last online May 21, 2021 22:56:46 GMT
Post by Rubythroat on May 9, 2021 15:01:01 GMT
She didn't trust them, those Thunderclan cats. They had never helped Shadowclan throughout their sickness. Had those pompous fools come to their aid, her clan might not have lost so many lives several moons ago. Rubythroat had even begun to think that those cats had denied them help in hopes of seeing their ranks falter. What an underhanded thing to do! Nose crinkled in disgust, the warrior had taken it upon herself to personally and regularly patrol the borders between their two clans. Sometimes Ruby even hoped she might get a chance to scuffle with one, if only to dispel a bit of energy and anger, perhaps. If anything, it was better than sitting around pondering her mess of a father and the future of their clan.
She found herself crouching through the weeds near the thunderpath. Ears alert and tail held low behind, she scouted through the underbrush. It smelled awful, like burnt straw and acrid smoke. Luckily, she didn't see any rumbling, tumbling devils. The monsters that frequented the thunderpath gave more cause to be wary. Even strong warriors had been taken by the beasts, and Rubythroat didn't dare set a paw on the hot black surface beyond. Not that she was afraid or anything, of course.
Roaming parallel to the asphalt just yards away, her green eyes couldn't help but spot a bright patch of fur bounding through the grass on the other side. Instantly, the she-cat went rigid. Her brown fur stood on end. What as that? Pupils narrowed to gaze beyond, inquisitive and delighted with her luck. If not for his orange coloring and brightly striped tail, Rubythroat might have missed him (she surely didn't see any other well camouflaged darker pelts). Silent, she watched for only a moment longer- She couldn't smell much for the stench of the path, but the cat appeared young in size. He hadn't quite filled out in muscle or height. He couldn't be a warrior yet, not unless those mouse-brained Thunderclan cats were promoting straight out of the queen's dens. Perhaps he was an apprentice still. What fun. Would he be dumb enough to venture across the path into Shadowclan territory?
Her head parted out from beneath the bushes, and she called to him with a toothy grin for warning. "Far from the dens, aren't you, kit." She stated her taunt clearly and meant to belittle the young cat on the other side. He appeared to be alone, as she couldn't scent or see anyone else nearby. Rubythroat licked her lips and stepped from the coverage of the brush to reveal her sleek striped coat. Her haunches drew up to sit as she expectantly awaited some snide remark.
last online May 17, 2021 2:56:20 GMT
Post by ❝ hazesight ❞ on May 11, 2021 2:25:06 GMT
[attr="class","codesnippet"][nospaces] [attr="class","sidelongcredits"] [attr="class","sidelong"] [attr="class","bodybox"] [attr="class","border-box"] [attr="class","image-space"] [attr="class","text-space"]
Hidden beneath a tree stump Hazesight watched somewhat annoyed as his charismatic little apprentice dashed from side to side searching for him. Finally stopping just to yell at the sky. The gray furred tom sent his eyes to the sky in exasperation and was about to step out to greet him when a voice called out from the other side of the thunderpath. [break][break]
Hazesight could feel the fur on the back of his neck ruffle up at the words and the owner of the voice. He hated that voice. It could have been ANYONE else, but it wasn't. Suddenly a sense of ownership hit him and he stepped out of his hiding place and, with a deadly calm air about him, appeared beside his precious apprentice and stared dark claws at the one he knew was his aunt. [break][break]
"I suppose you got nothing better to do than to take your bitterness out on those who have no idea why you're so bitter." His fur slick and flat, his eyes staring intently, his maw lifting into a small smile, but his heart pounding wildly with anger and rage. And it wasn't just because she was related to Ashstar. She was just a distasteful warrior in general. [break][break]
His tail brushed Beepaw's side and he glanced back at him with a wink.
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5 posts
last online May 19, 2021 14:29:07 GMT
May 11, 2021 17:11:26 GMT
Post by Beepaw on May 11, 2021 17:11:26 GMT
The sound of Rubythroat’s voice caught Beepaw’s attention. He immediately whipped around to face her. Perhaps she would never cross borders, and he was safe where he stood, but Beepaw still eyed the warrior like she would leap across the thunderpath and strike him down at any moment. His heart raced and the fur on his tail stood up, but there was fury in his eyes, as if he was completely ready for such a tussle. A tussle, by word or claws, anyone could tell he’d lose.
Before he could say anything himself, another stepped out from the foliage; this time on Beepaw’s side of the border.
Beepaw breathed in deep and looked up at his mentor. Beepaw’s gaze was wide-eyed and glistening, marveling at the sharp-tongued older cat. He certainly didn’t understand the deeper issues at play, yet Beepaw lacked any ounce of confusion. He surely made his own assumptions on the spot.
“I get why she’s bitter!” Beepaw insisted and whipped his gaze back to the Shadowclan she-cat. He held his chin high as he stepped up right beside his mentor.
“With eyes so small and so close together, I bet she can’t even see past her own nose! All Shadowclan cats are born ugly like that, so of course she’s bitter!”
He tried to hold his eyes on Rubythroat, ready to egg this situation on more, but every so often he flicked his eyes over to Hazesight. Eager to catch a glimpse of his mentor’s approval.
last online May 21, 2021 22:56:46 GMT
May 12, 2021 23:56:06 GMT
Post by Rubythroat on May 12, 2021 23:56:06 GMT
Thunderclan cats might be dumb, she thought, but it appeared they weren't dumb enough to let an apprentice wander around near the thunderpath all alone. A larger tom stepped suddenly into view, protective and glaring. Rubythroat recognized the warrior from prior gatherings at four trees. Hazesight, wasn't it? Oh, what fun this encounter might be. Her tail flicked in subtle recognition of his insult, but outwardly she made no further mark of offense. She'd heard of this tom before, the half-clan cat who'd been sired by her own brother... Such a waste.
Even more amusing was the apprentice who clearly had some fire to him now that he had a bit of backup. His fluffy chest puffed right up as he diagnosed all her issues on the spot. Bitter? Ugly? Oh, how he wounds her! The she-cat crinkled up her nose and shook her head, marveling at this kid's claims. Oh, to be young and stupid. What were they teaching kits over there? She wasn't really ugly though, was she?
Rubythroat chided, "Tsk- at least I know which clan I belong to." She would take bitter and ugly any day over being a half-clan cat (especially a Thunderclan cat). Her head tilted in the apprentice's direction, "by his standards, you must be half as ugly." She paused to smooth the fur on her shoulder with an unconcerned lick. He may even be half as ugly and twice as bitter, perhaps.
last online May 17, 2021 2:56:20 GMT
Post by ❝ hazesight ❞ on May 13, 2021 0:21:05 GMT
[attr="class","codesnippet"][nospaces] [attr="class","sidelongcredits"] [attr="class","sidelong"] [attr="class","bodybox"] [attr="class","border-box"] [attr="class","image-space"] [attr="class","text-space"]
"Tsk- at least I know which clan I belong to." no matter how shocking the phrase was to him, Hazesight had been practicing his straight face for a while now. Even so, he had the strange desire to draw his claws. To tear her apart. To watch as the life drained from her eyes as he stood in a pool of her blood. His tail flicked behind him and the snicker on his face twitched. She knew. She had to die, just as her father and her brother had to die. And he was determined to be the one to tear their throats out of their necks. [break][break]
"by his standards, you must be half as ugly." His eyes stared talons into her own. He would be victorious in purging this world of Ashstar's family. "I have chosen my destiny, Rubythroat. And I have no regrets." Dark eyes flashed at her. Dark and empty eyes. He hated her. Hated everything she stood for. If he had to, Hazesight would tear Shadowclan apart. [break][break]
His eyes turned to Beepaw, the darkness gone, only a smile on his face as he licked the top of his apprentice's head. "Don't let others tear you down. If you show that you're afraid of them, then they'll just take advantage of you. You are a strong warrior apprentice, don't let her taint that respect by allowing her to provoke you." [break][break]
With that, he turned his back on the rustic she-cat, ready to leave her altogether.
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5 posts
last online May 19, 2021 14:29:07 GMT
May 14, 2021 17:06:14 GMT
Post by Beepaw on May 14, 2021 17:06:14 GMT
Rubythroat’s response got a perplexed look out of Beepaw. He didn’t entirely understand what she meant by it, but had a good guess as to what she meant to imply. His ears twisted back and he stared at her with his jaw slightly ajar. Beepaw wanted to snap something back but didn’t immediately have a reply.
But Hazesight did. Beepaw’s attention went to him. Whatever Rubythroat was implying, Hazesight still stood firm. She wanted to tear Hazesight down then, and Hazesight wouldn’t let her. Beepaw breathed in deep with newfound energy.
While Hazesight then turned to take his leave, Beepaw still faced Rubythroat. His stance back to being just as certain and snappy as before, the tip of his tail writhing with contempt for the Shadowclan warrior.
“You heard him, you fox! Your sharp tongue won’t cut even a whisker of his!” Beepaw then gave a snort through his little nose. He could end it there, but Beepaw still saw unfinished business to be investigated.
“What were you even doing at the border??” Beepaw interrogated. His eyes still firmly on Rubythroat. He stepped right up to the border. His paws on the mess of gravel that lined either side of the black thunderpath.
“I’m learning our territory, my duties, but you’re just far from the elder’s den for no-good reason! So, why’d you come to our border in the first place, huh??”
last online May 21, 2021 22:56:46 GMT
May 14, 2021 21:55:24 GMT
Post by Rubythroat on May 14, 2021 21:55:24 GMT
Hazesight may have chosen his destiny, as he said, but had his brother? The Thunderclan tom was a fool not to regret his sorry lot in life as a half-clan cat. Such a disgusting waste of potential. He'd thrown his life away by choice. The she-cat's tail twitched, a smart retort forming in her mind. While the distance kept her from hearing the majority of whatever advice he gave to Beepaw, she could tell the pair were close. She'd allowed herself to wonder if there might be others nearby- If the young apprentice might have his actual mentor around. However, that lick on his head confirmed that the two were paired as mentor and apprentice. Only two. She grinned. If clan relations might not provoke the Thunderclan warrior, jabs at his apprentice might do the trick, even as Hazesight saw fit to turn his back to her. What a wonderful turn of events; shouldn't he know better?
The bright apprentice didn't disappoint. He stepped closer to the gravel than she dared, his eyes far too focused on her to notice much else, she thought. The Shadowclan cat listened to the boy as well as she listened to the subtle rumbling of an approaching monster. It was distant, but swiftly headed their way. Although the cat couldn't discern the laws of the road, it was approaching on the side closest to the Thunderclan border. Fast. What luck. Without offering so much as a hint of the approaching danger, a horrible, terrible thought snaked into her mind.
Rubythroat licked her lips.
"What am I doing here?" She smoothly purred and slowly rose to her feet, reiterating his question if only to stall for time. Let the monster come. Let it gobble him up and spit him back out, broken and bleeding. Let Hazesight know why one's back should never turn on Shadowclan.
"I thought someone might be bold enough-" she paused, blinking her dark green eyes, "Brave enough- to cross the border and challenge me..." A soft sigh, "It appears I was wrong though. You're afraid." She walked a couple steps parallel to the thunderpath, but feet away from the asphalt. If she played her cards right, she wouldn't even have to lift a paw. "You Thunderclan cats are always all talk~ A warrior who knew his duties might do better." She taunted, but perhaps she spoke more of Hazesight than she did the eager youth.
The rumbles grew louder, hungrier. Twin lights crested the bend, accelerating and growling. She held steady. Rubythroat kept her eyes trained on the boy, wondering just how much he'd actually been taught about the Thunderpath and its dangers.
last online May 17, 2021 2:56:20 GMT
Post by ❝ hazesight ❞ on May 15, 2021 2:53:09 GMT
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“You heard him, you fox! Your sharp tongue won’t cut even a whisker of his!” Hazesight stopped in his tracks and stared at the forest before him. A sigh drifted from his maw as he began to turn back to his apprentice and his aunt. As he glanced in Rubythroat's direction he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the deadly look in her eyes as she spoke to his apprentice. As frustrated as he was that Beepaw had continued the verbal tussle, there was nothing in Hazesight that wanted the spirited tom dead. And THOSE eyes. THOSE eyes were ready to kill. [break][break]
He knew that look very well, seen that look on himself in the water every time he peered into it. He saw her ears twitch around her, and he knew that meant she could hear something. His eyes glanced at both sides of the thunderpath and it was a moment before he heard the rumble of the monster coming toward them. He knew he had to calm himself and steel his nerves. She would win if he panicked, and she would win if Beepaw was killed. So, firmly and calmly, Hazesight padded to his apprentice and stepped in front of him, attempting to guide him away from the asphalt. Putting himself in between Beepaw and the black tar. If the monster came too quickly....? [break][break]
"What did I say about letting her provoke you?" He mentioned calmly, his eyes glancing at the incoming monster. "She's got you close enough to the thunderpath to be hit and killed. I don't want that."
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5 posts
last online May 19, 2021 14:29:07 GMT
May 15, 2021 22:11:06 GMT
Post by Beepaw on May 15, 2021 22:11:06 GMT
It was hard for Beepaw to ignore Rubythroat. He took her answer very seriously. His eyes flashed wide when she mentioned them not being brave enough to mess with her--a mere Shadowclan warrior!
As if!
He was leaning forward, ready to take his next step forward in order to make another bold retort, but Hazesight suddenly came into view. At first, Beepaw was all protests. Riled up, he meowed a “but--!”
Regardless of the apprentice’s half-made complaints, he was backing up with Hazesight’s motions. He didn’t want to actually push against Hazesight’s actions, only spit more insults at the Shadowclan warrior! However, even his mouth started behaving a second later as Hazesight warned him of the thunderpath, and Rubythroat’s trick. Just then, the monster whizzed by.
The wind picked up right as it passed, tussling the Thunderclan cats’ fur but little more happened to the two of them. Still, Beepaw stared at where the big monster had just dashed by them. He couldn’t be sure if it would have nipped his face were he to have kept standing where he had been, but he was thankful he wouldn’t be finding out.
Beepaw swallowed thickly. His tail and ears then drooped and he lowered his head. His skin felt hot under his fur, the apprentice was embarrassed. He didn’t want to look at Rubythroat anymore and side-stepped in order to turn himself away.
“...I’m sorry.” Beepaw mumbled to Hazesight. “She’s smarter than she looks.”
last online May 21, 2021 22:56:46 GMT
Post by Rubythroat on May 21, 2021 1:43:41 GMT
Rubythroat couldn't help but lower herself into a protective crouch as the growling monster passed them by, hot air swirling and gravel skittering across the asphalt. Her ears pinned as her nose scrunched at the awful, unnatural smell of gasoline and exhaust- This would be worth it, she hoped. The ruddy tabby lost sight of the pair for a moment, but as quickly as the monster passed, the Shadowclan warrior swiftly rose to her feet in the hopes that her ploy had worked. Her ears pricked forward as her weight shifted to her front toes, curious and excited. Was he dead? Was he wounded and bloody? Was he missing limbs? Maybe crumpled lifeless? Was Hazesight absolutely distraught and broken? Was he wailing and utterly shocked at the sight?
To her sharp dismay, the two Thunderclan cats were unharmed. They stood just a tail-length away from what would have been certain death... How disappointing. Her pupils narrowed into slits, whiskers twitching. Could monsters be so oblivious to such a carefully prepared meal? How insulting. Hm.
Surveying the scene beyond the Thunderpath, she surmised that Hazesight had intervened. If not for the tom nudging his naïve apprentice to safety, the monsters might have claimed yet another unsuspecting victim. And she could have bragged about her quick wit and intelligence tonight in the warrior's den. She would have been the topic of the evening. Everyone would have loved her (scratch that, they would have known her. She didn't care if they liked her underhanded deeds or not). Thunderclan couldn't have even pinned this on Shadowclan with any sort of right. Everyone knew to stay off the thunderpath. Everyone. Rubythroat would have been blameless and the victory would have been solely her own. Hers. What a win this could have been. Yet it wasn't. It had been stolen from her. Hazesight. How the warrior seethed, yet she possessed the capacity to allow only a still, unnerving stare to show across her features. No, she couldn't let them see how disappointed she was. The cat would have to play this off. So she breathed slow and deliberate to soothe her hot blood.
Lesson apparently learned, the youth didn't seem so inclined to face her anymore. Pity. This had been such a fun game, but now it drew to a boring close. Even if the outcome hadn't gone in her favor, they might remember this day with a twinge of respect for the prowess of Shadowclan. At least, they would remember her.
Figuring the pair wouldn't pay her much mind now that the gig was up, the Shadowclan cat turned parallel to the road. Slowly, she swayed her way towards the bushes while keeping the toms in her peripheral sight. The leaves cast shivering shadows across her form as she withdrew. Only once did she pause to glance fully over her shoulder and gift them with a parting wink. And with a single bound, Rubythroat disappeared back into her own territory.