Post by β viperstar β on May 12, 2021 5:05:40 GMT
made by gimmick[attr="class","bodybox"]
Viperstar sniffed at the border, staring across the gorge with a look of concern as he did. He wondered how Yellowstar and the rest of Riverclan felt. His eyes shifted, searching for movement, but finding none for the time being. Emberstar had been the cause of this rift, and yet Viperstar himself had some fault in it too. Especially now that he was Windclan leader. And he knew that talking wouldn't help. He didn't know what could make up for the death of Whitestar and the wounds that Riverclan sustained while they were fighting in Windclan camp.
The other problem he had was that now Riverclan knew where their camp was. He had brought them straight to it. A sigh fell from his maw as he stared down the cliffs of the gorge, thinking about how he could give safety to his own clan despite Riverclan hovering over them like eagles ready to strike. Emberstar had been a problem for them too. He wondered if those half-clan kits were safe. If they were loved and if Riverclan would take care of them. Perhaps one day they would be on the same page, but today was probably not that day.
Viperstar sniffed at the border, staring across the gorge with a look of concern as he did. He wondered how Yellowstar and the rest of Riverclan felt. His eyes shifted, searching for movement, but finding none for the time being. Emberstar had been the cause of this rift, and yet Viperstar himself had some fault in it too. Especially now that he was Windclan leader. And he knew that talking wouldn't help. He didn't know what could make up for the death of Whitestar and the wounds that Riverclan sustained while they were fighting in Windclan camp.
The other problem he had was that now Riverclan knew where their camp was. He had brought them straight to it. A sigh fell from his maw as he stared down the cliffs of the gorge, thinking about how he could give safety to his own clan despite Riverclan hovering over them like eagles ready to strike. Emberstar had been a problem for them too. He wondered if those half-clan kits were safe. If they were loved and if Riverclan would take care of them. Perhaps one day they would be on the same page, but today was probably not that day.
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